Monday, December 10, 2007

Positive Thinking Success With Abraham-Hicks

I got the daily positive thinking training I needed when my friend gave me an Abraham-Hicks CD. (I receive nothing from them) It reminded me each day to appreciate the positive things in my life. As I grew happier, people around me treated me differently. They were happier back. I created a completely different world for myself just by thinking positive thoughts!

I listened to the CD's each day during my commute to brainwash my habitual thoughts into positive thoughts. As I got happier, I realized I had been living in a fear-based universe. I worried about child abductions, pandemics, global warming and peak oil. I worried about family, friends, health and job.

Abraham- Hicks empowered me to release fear and enjoy the people around me. I felt as though the weight of the world was off my shoulders. I learned that I cannot condition my happiness on what other people are doing or feeling. I am responsible for my happiness. I have no control over what my kids, husband or coworkers think or do. I have complete control over my feelings. I choose to be happy. I would never go back to a fear-based life.

I now believe health is largely mental. My health has steadily improved ever since I found Abraham-Hicks.
I wish we could play positive-thinking tapes to our inmates here in Memphis. I think it could transform our city. We could convert some of our most negative thinkers into positive thinkers. Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

Harvard Positive Thinking Degree - I Create my Own Reality

I recently had a friend say, I think you create your own reality. I agreed. A year before, I went to a positive thinking course given by a Professor from the Harvard Positive Thinking Degree Program. He convinced me statistically, that I create my own reality.

Happiness levels are biologically set. Tomorrow you could win the lottery or get paralyzed. A year later you would be just as happy as you are today.

Your happiness set-point can be changed by training your brain to generate positive "self talk" rather than habitual negative self talk. A simple exercise demonstrated the power of self talk. We stared at our hands for 30 seconds then make a list of what we wanted to do after the seminar. We pictured loved-ones for 30 seconds and then make a second list. My first list was critical. My second list was inspired!

You can reset your happiness set-point with a simple exercise. Write down 3 great things that happen to you each day and how it made you feel. I did the exercise and it worked. I found I noticed good things around me instead of focusing on annoying things. I quit the exercise after a week when work got busy. I forgot to do the exercise for a year and my old negative self talk returned. I needed more daily reinforcement.

Here is a link to Good News Network created while in the Harvard Positive Thought Degree Program

Emergency Preparation

You can prepare for a 7 day emergency like Katrina. You can prepare for a 6-12 month emergency like Pandemic Flu. This blog is devoted to a life-long emergency, Peak Oil.

As oil prices rise, our economy will experience rising prices and layoffs of the 1970's. Shortages of items will appear, then become the norm. We will learn to "make do" with what we have. A local economy will evolve. Life will revert to the small town life of our grandparents.

In this increasingly local world, we will have to produce our own food. We will doctor ourselves. We will make items and trade for our needs.

How do we learn a forgotten skill set? I think it helps if we know where it is all going. This is my journey to building a more sufficient life.

Green is Old Fashioned Values

We all miss the values our grandparents had. One of their biggest values was self-sufficiency. We are completely dependant on distant strangers to produce our food, medicine, clothing and other essentials.

My goal in this blog is to learn self sufficiency. We are a thoroughly modern family in a suburban home with thoroughly modern consumption habits.

I reject buying "greener" products from more-expensive manufacturers. I intend to revisit the past to see what worked. It probably works now and is cheaper than the manufactured product we currently use.

I will enjoy any input you have during the course of our journey.